
Showing posts from August, 2020

☼my morning routine☼

Good morning or just hii!!  I was just thinking about what my ideal morning routine was and making a list of all the goals I have to reach that routine. However, as I am sitting here with a Starbucks in one hand, my computer in the other, and my head scrambled, I realized that I won't ever have that "ideal" morning routine! I can only work up to what works for me, not what works for anyone else. For example, I wanted to not use my phone for an hour when I first wake up, I wanted to meditate, I wanted to have a skincare routine, but just those things, it didn't work for me. If I do too much skincare I will break out, I like to check my phone because during quarantine that's the only way I can really stay with other people, and meditation makes me sleepy so doing it first thing in the morning, isn't the best plan. I wanted to wake up at 5 a.m., but I like to go to bed pretty late! And I know the things that are stopping me from these goals are probably things I ...

✰⋆chit chat time: school, quarantine, birthday plans⋆✰

Hi everyone! So this blog post is just going to be a little chit chat with me!  I am excited to do this cuz I realize that you guys don't really know that much about me.  So it's kind of going to be a podcast kind of deal happening.  So let's get started! I'm writing this on Wednesday, August 19th; 3 days till my birthday!  yay! I'm going to be spending my actual birthday with my mom and my family, the day before my birthday I'm going to be going out for dinner with my best friends!  It's only going to be the three of us going out to dinner because we had to keep it small because of the COVID-19 thing, but still, I think it'll be super fun!  2 days before my birthday I'm going to be getting my hair colored so I am actually ecstatic about that!  My hair right now is a couple of inches below my shoulders, a light brown with old highlights that are grown out,  and with the edges a little uneven because this was a quarantine cut (which means my mom di...

💛things I've been LOVING lately💛

Hey lovies! How has your day been going? (Quick sidenote)  I want you to stop reading this for a sec and go look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how pretty you are. How much you love the way you look and the way you act. Name what you love the most about yourself. Tell yourself how bomb you are today! Because you are. Remember that today.  Anyway, back to the post! Here is a list of all the things that I have just been depending on these last couple of weeks. Like I cannot imagine my life without these 10 and some things. I love every one of these things for different reasons that all come together to be such a game-changer and life hack.  I highly highly highly recommend EVERYTHING here!! Sorry if recent content is kind of lists and about shopping but I have a ton of new ideas and posts that are on their way, so look out for them!! 1. Happy Hour with Gretchen Geraghty Podcast - omg this has to be my most recommended thing on this list because it is a life-cha...

👟how to easily make shoes new using things you have👟

Hey everyone and welcome to today's post! How are we feeling today, really? Well, I know that when my crusty old shoes are cleaned I feel so much better so let's clean them today! This method works on all shoes with a shiny exterior like leather or whatever. This doesn't work on cotton or anything made with fabric type material. This works for Adidas, air forces, the bottom outer rim of vans or converse, and anything else like that! So let's get cleaning! WHAT WILL YOU NEED: baking soda water dawn soap a paper towel toothbrush or sponge or anything with bristles or bumpiness ( HERE'S the one I use) a large towel to put below your shoes while your cleaning  INSTRUCTIONS: In a very small bowl, we will mix up the baking soda, dawn, and water. So my measurements aren't very exact because you can't really go wrong with making this lol. But I do 1 or 2 splashes of water, half a tbsp of dawn soap, and like 2 tbsp of baking soda. This is the correct amount for one ...


Hey, y'all! My birthday is comin' up and I was just thinking about what I want for it! But really it's not like what I want for my birthday because it's literally a couple days before. Also, my family and friends' gifts are always so great and creative so like this isn't what I WANT it's just like what I have as a wishlist that I probably will buy myself at some point. I will also be doing a birthday haul post of what I DO get so keep your eyes open for that! A lot of these things I have already put into a cart but never intended to buy lol! I am like scared of buying stuff for myself so I just put things in carts. So basically here are my carts!! I separated these by the business and linked everything! OASISJOY - this is a site for mainly oversized t-shirts but I like a variety of things from there. I have started really liking oversized t's and little shorts this summer so this is right up my alley!!  This a super cute oversized San Fransisco t-shirt (...

✁3 trendy and easy DIYs✁

 Hii everyone! Today I am doing to be teaching you my favorite DIYs such as beachy bead braids, Redbubble quality stickers of anything you want, and chunky, cozy blankets! These are all me approved and I have made them all MULTIPLE times and I love them. The supplies you need I'll link, but there aren't very many you need. So without farther ado, let's DIY!! 1. Beachy Hair Bead Braid This is the tik tok trend that has been going around that I started doing and found the easiest way. It looks adorable and adds a summery vibe☀  All you need is basically just beads. I know that people want to use small beads, but honey, those make the process so much longer and harder and tedious. Don't do it! It looks good with bigger beads!! I just had craft store beads at my house that I used so idk where you specifically can get beads. I have had lavender, light green, teal, and white bead sets (not at the same time lol) and you only need 5 beads per braid so for me I need 15 beads in ...